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join a safe+ conscious collective community.
located Downtown Green Bay
| choose your program below |
class packages ♡
seek joy ✩
115$Every monthfor steady practitioners ☆- 5 classes to mix and match (:
- join us outdoor!
- subscription auto-renews monthly
BIPOC intro offer ☆
0$two weeks unlimited ♡Valid for 2 weeks- unlimited yoga (:
- mix and match sessions
- in studio + outdoor
- offering ends two weeks after enrollment date
class drop in ☆
25$single sessionValid for one month- view in active schedule (:
- instudio + outdoor session
- expires 30days after purchase
growing in love ♡
80$for artists + studentsValid for 3 months- 4 mix and match sessions
- in studio, outdoor
- receive classes for 20
- valid for 3 months, one time payment
super sonic ⭐︎
160$Every monthelevate your practice (:- 8 yoga sessions ⭐︎
- mix and match your sessions
- includes one private session
- in studio + outdoor sessiona
- auto renews monthly
240$private lessons with Ari ☆Valid for 3 months- 4 in studio sessions | 60min
- Yogic Lecture + Vinyasa Hybrid Classes
- Lessons specifically curated to client.
- receive private lessons at a 60$ rate vs 85
- valid for 3 months
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